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Welcoming Act: "Why Deploying Prevention and Precision at Scale?" Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024!

We're excited for the Welcoming Act: "Why Deploying Prevention and Precision at Scale?" Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024! Setting the stage for the whole conference, this welcoming act advocate that, in order to guarantee people's well-being, the health sector must actively cooperate with other sectors, including environmental protection and social preparedness.

Health systems face several significant challenges, including aging populations, increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, financial constraints, and disparities in healthcare access and quality among different regions. More broadly, the environmental crisis and social instability affect well-being, societal resilience and security. The traditional model of reactive care has limitations in addressing the complex and evolving health needs of populations. In this context, deploying prevention and precision at scale seems to be the only way forward. Hosted by: Dr. Päivi Sillanaukee, Special Envoy, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland. She served as the Ambassador for Health and Wellbeing at the MFA of Finland 2019-2023 and as the Permanent Secretary at the MSAH 2012-2019. She was the DG of the Department for Social and Health Services 2008-2012 at the MSAH. Previously, she was the Deputy Mayor and Director of Social and Health Services in the City of Tampere. She represented Finland in the WHO Regional Office for Europe and served as its first and third Vice Chair, and has also served as Executive President of the WHO RC for Europe. She is Member of the HIMSS Board of Directors and Member of the I-DAIR inaugural Board.

Gareth Presch is the Founder and CEO, World Health Innovation Summit and World Health Service (FSP - 501 (3)c- Not for Profit ), the Director of Together, We Inspire Consultancy, CEO, Global Social Prescribing Alliance, Advisor - Great Green Wall of Africa Foundation, Advisor - Ecogreen Capital - Eco Advisory LLC - Partner Commonwealth Pacific Climate


Ann Aerts has been Head of the Novartis Foundation since January 2013, an organization committed to having a transformational impact on the health of low-income populations. Ann holds a Degree in Medicine and a Masters in Public Health from the University of Leuven, Belgium, and a Degree in Tropical Medicine from the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium. Ann has authored numerous publications and is a member of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, the Governing Council of the UN Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries and the International Advisory Board of the Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health.

Prof. Kazuhiro Sakurada In 2004, he joined Schering AG, Germany where he served as a member of the Corporate Research Management Team at Schering's headquarters in Germany and Senior Vice President and Head of Research Center at Schering Japan. Following the merger of Bayer and Schering, he joined Bayer Schering Pharma AG. In January 2008, as Chief Scientific Officer, he launched the venture company iZumi Bio, Inc. in the U.S. and transferred the human iPS cell technology developed at Bayer Japan. In same year he joined Sony Electronics., where he was a Senior Researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories and Chief Distinguished Researcher at Sony.

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