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Cristina Vaz de Almeida joins GSPA

Cristina Vaz de Almeida is a Researcher Specialist in Health Literacy and Health Communication and Marketing. PhD Professor in Communication Sciences, specialising in health literacy (ISCSP, 2020), President of the Portuguese Society of Health Literacy (SPLS),  Master in Communication in e-learning (Univ. Barcelona), Post Graduate in Marketing (ISG), Post Graduate in Positive Psychology (ISCSP) and Degree in Law (Portuguese Catholic University). She coordinates the Working Group and Practitioners "From Step to Embrace" which involves the prescription by oncologists and family medicine doctors of social prescribing for physical activity for elderly people with cancer. The pilot project takes place in Lisbon with a group of 50 elderly people who do physical activity twice a week and are telemonitored daily.

For more than a decade, the commitment to study, develop and disseminate health literacy in Portugal has been pursued. It started with the planning, development, production and execution of curricular units and advanced training courses in health literacy. She is Director of the Post-Graduation in Health Literacy: Models, Strategies and Intervention, at the Higher Institute of Applied Psychology (ISPA), in Portugal since 2017.

It has 100 scientific articles, chapters and books. She is the coordinator and author of the first Health Literacy Manual in Portugal (Pactor, 2022), Editor of the book Assertiveness, Clarity and Positivity in Health Literacy (IGI Books, 2021), and a wide range of other books related to Marketing, Communication and Social Inclusion.

"We’re delighted to welcome Cristina Vaz de Almeida ( Sociedade Portuguesa de Literacia em Saúde ) to the Global Social Prescribing Alliance team to lead our engagement in Portugal 🇵🇹 “ Gareth Presch CEO, GSPA

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