Empower international medical students to engage in social prescribing - UN SDG3 Good Health & Wellbeing.
This course is intended to complement the work of the Global Social Prescribing Alliance - International Student Movement Framework “Enabling students to understand social prescribing - Fundamentals - Analysis – Reform”.
It aims to provide guidance on youth-specific issues that should be taken into consideration when creating an enabling environment for social prescribing in their healthcare system
· System Requirements 
This course runs on the latest versions of the major browsers.
· Audience
This course is primarily intended for:
o Policy-makers
o International technical experts
o Youth leaders
o Young students
· You will learn about
o Why it is important to empower youth to engage in social prescribing
o Why it is essential to engage young people in policy dialogue on social prescribing and what steps can be taken to empower youth to participate in such decision-making processes;
o What are some of the most common challenges faced by young people who want to invest in social prescribing, and the main measures that policy-makers can adopt to address them; and
o Why a conducive policy, legal and regulatory framework is critical to ensure that young people benefit from social prescribing investments and what measures policy-makers can adopt in this regard.
· Course structure
The course consists of 4 lessons:
o Lesson 1 - Introduction
o Lesson 2 - Foster youth engagement in policy-making processes
o Lesson 3 - Empower youth to invest in social prescribing health systems
o Lesson 4 - Empower youth to benefit from large-scale social prescribing investments
Webinars 1.5hrs in length: coming soon.